Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Freedom 2.0

It is just another Independence day for those who were not invited for the party of India's economic progress.

This is a feeble noise calling all sensible Indians who spend a good time flying all over the world and boasting big about the body (shopping) power.

It's not just Web 2.0 that Indian brains should be thinking, it's the Freedom 2.0 that is the need of the hour. This time it's not the benevolent British, the freedom lovers of India would be taking on. This time it's the hard to handle Indians themselves!

This time it's not a fight or non-cooperation but a major shift in the approach.

If you have the approach and some action items, tell this feeble blogger how could India get a system that is fair for all the billion Indians?

Happy Independence Day or is it Freedom 2.0 day?

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