Friday, October 1, 2010

Ayodhya verdict paves way for Judges' Day!

These days, writing a blog is a boring and taxing process.

Yet, Ayodhya verdict made me to write a couple of lines here again. The entire process of the trial and the judgment seemed stage managed and the credit goes to the panel of judges who managed to divide God into three parts! Everyone in India is happy for the "mil baat ke khao" formula except for a few who wish to knock the doors of Supreme Court.

It's proposed to celebrate Judges' Day in India on September 30 every year!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

An anti-climax! My mother is divine?

Like a Kumbhakarn, I woke up to write here after long.

Today someone posted in an internet forum of a leadership network, a link to a rant titled My Mother is an Ugly Woman and after reading the long write up I was a bit disturbed for sometime by the writer's own confession as quoted below.

"But I have difficulty when the educated, the well-to-do, the ones who have everything going for them, mentally defecate, trying to impress the world at the cost of their own country."

After sometime time, when my mind took over the heart, I started thinking what an anti-climax to such a great opportunity lost by the Indian speaker in the afternoon to completely rectify the fallacies of the Indian speaker in the morning.

If an educated, well-to-do Indian like the speaker in the afternoon cannot take on his counter-part to rectify the mistake of misrepresenting his own country on the same platform, what can a disadvantaged Indian who is seeing his mother(land) raped repeatedly can do about it?

I am sure the answer from many "evolved Indians" would be that as true Indians believing in Vedic traditions, we leave the situtation to the laws of Karma and let the sinner to be taken care by the respective devata eventually. Probably the speaker in the afternoon despite his own confession had the same in mind and hence let go the opportunity to rectify the mis-representation of India in the morning when his turn arrived in the afternoon?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Unique ID for Indians! A dream coming true

As someone who has spent time thinking how to solve problem of Unique Patient ID that can be transferred across healthcare providers in India, I am overtly delighted that the Government of India is listening!

Now that GoI has listened and proposed to issue Unique Citizen ID from 2010 we should wait and see how it will actually bring the concept to implementation especially in rural India.

The first time I wished that India should have an UID system was when I learnt of NRIC system in Singapore way back in 1995.

Better late than never! Welcome Unique ID. It helps avoid submitting various docs for identity proof. It will also help us push for voting mobility due to the Unique ID being truly unique for each voter?!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Nano gets a meaningful home!

Narendra Bhai Modi settled Ratan Tata's problems by offering land for his dream project of delivering Nano car in Gujarat!

While Nano in dictionary means short or one billionth, the meaning of "Nano" in Gujarati is small!! I wonder if the word Nano was derived from the Gujarati "Nano" (aka Naana) :-)

Whatever, the logic behind the origin of the word Nano, I feel Tata's Nano has finally got a meaningful home thanks to Narendra Bhai's swift action to offer clearance for a "Mota" (meaning big in Gujarati!) Project in a record 10 days.

I would have liked if Nano had also made a second delivery base from Dharwad to cater to South India.

I have another link to the word Nano as a company I am associated with in Singapore is preparing to launch another Nano offering!!

Let's hope Nano helps the People of India in bettering their lives.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Freedom 2.0

It is just another Independence day for those who were not invited for the party of India's economic progress.

This is a feeble noise calling all sensible Indians who spend a good time flying all over the world and boasting big about the body (shopping) power.

It's not just Web 2.0 that Indian brains should be thinking, it's the Freedom 2.0 that is the need of the hour. This time it's not the benevolent British, the freedom lovers of India would be taking on. This time it's the hard to handle Indians themselves!

This time it's not a fight or non-cooperation but a major shift in the approach.

If you have the approach and some action items, tell this feeble blogger how could India get a system that is fair for all the billion Indians?

Happy Independence Day or is it Freedom 2.0 day?

Saturday, August 11, 2007

A feeble noise of India

Just trying to make a feeble voice err.. noise heard amidst the loudspeakers that rule the roost in India!